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Child, Francis James

(Encyclopedia) Child, Francis James, 1825–96, American scholar, b. Boston, grad. Harvard, 1846. At Harvard he was professor of rhetoric (1851–76) and English literature (1876–96). He greatly…

foster care

(Encyclopedia) foster care, generally, care of children on a full-time, temporary basis by persons other than their own parents. Also known as boarding-home care, foster care is intended to offer a…

Convention on the Rights of the Child, Part II

Convention on the Rights of the ChildPart IIArticle 42States Parties undertake to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults…

Walt Whitman: There Was a Child Went Forth

There Was a Child Went ForthThere was a child went forth every day, And the first object he look'd upon, that object he became, And that object became part of him for the day or a certain…

John G. Neihardt: Ballad of a Child

Ballad of a ChildJohn G. NeihardtYearly thrilled the plum tree With the mother-mood; Every June the rose stock Bore her wonder-child: Every year the wheatlands Reared a golden brood: World of…

May Riley Smith: The Child in Me

The Child in MeMay Riley SmithShe follows me about my House of Life (This happy little ghost of my dead Youth!) She has no part in Time's relentless strife She keeps her old simplicity and…

Christina Rossetti: Child's Talk in April

Child's Talk in AprilI wish you were a pleasant wren, And I your small accepted mate; How we'd look down on toilsome men! We'd rise and go to bed at eight Or it may be not quite so late…

Brewer's: Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child

Solomon (Prov. xiii. 24) says: “He that spareth the rod hateth his son;” but Samuel Butler, in his Hudibras (pt. ii. canto 1, line 843), says: Love is a boy, by poets styled, Then spare…

Child Abuse and Neglect, United States

The following table shows the number and percent of child abuse and neglect in the United States between 1990 and 2012, according to type of maltreatment and sex and age of the victim. Item…