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The Hungry Stones: The Hungry Stones
by Rabindranath Tagore PrefaceThe VictoryThe Hungry Stones My kinsman and myself were returning to Calcutta from our Puja trip when we met the man in a train. From his dress and bearing…Walt Whitman: Eighteen Sixty-One
Eighteen Sixty-OneArm'd year—year of the struggle, No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you terrible year, Not you as some pale poetling seated at a desk lisping cadenzas piano,…The Hungry Stones and Other Stories: The Renunciation, IV
by Rabindranath Tagore IIIIV It was the fifth night of the waning of the moon-and the night was dark. No birds were singing. The lichi tree by the tank looked like a smudge of ink on a…Desert Blue
Director/Writer: Morgan J. Freeman Samuel Goldwyn Films; R; 87 minutesRelease: Brendan Sexton III, Kate Hudson, John Heard, Christina Ricci/99Cast: Brendan Sexton III, Kate Hudson, John Heard…Super Bowl Preview 2001s
Giants vs. Ravens - Jan. 28, 2001, 6:00 p.m. by Mike Morrison THE OUTLOOK Both teams appear to be peeking at the right time. Since being embarrassed at home by Detroit in week 11, the Giants…The Twelve Huntsmen
The Twelve Huntsmen There was once a king's son who had a bride whom he loved very much. And when he was sitting beside her and very happy, news came that his father lay sick unto death, and…Coleridge: Part III
Part IIPart IVPart III The ancient Mariner beholdeth a sign in the element afar off. There passed a weary time. Each throat Was parched, and glazed each eye. A weary time! a weary…The Goose-Girl
The Goose-Girl The king of a great land died, and left his queen to take care of their only child. This child was a daughter, who was very beautiful; and her mother loved her dearly, and was…1 Maccabees: 14
1 Maccabees Chapter 14 1 Now in the hundred threescore and twelfth year king Demetrius gathered his forces together, and went into Media to get him help to fight against Tryphone…Tao Te Ching: Chapter 41
Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Laozi, trans. James Legge Chapter 40 Chapter 42 Chapter 41 1 Scholars of the highest class, when they hear about the Tao, earnestly carry it into practice.…