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The Oscars 2014

Find everything you need to know about the 86th Academy Awards. Read biographies of the nominees as well as past hosts of the show. Check out Oscar trivia, quizzes and features while you wait for…

Biographies: Deaths of 2014

// Cite Deaths of 2014 See also 2013 Deaths 2012 Deaths 2011 Deaths More Deaths Related Links 2014 Current Events Biographies by Category Arts and Entertainment Business,…

2014 Academy Awards

The 2014 Academy Awards were presented on Feb. 22, 2015, at the Kodak Theatre. All of the nominees are listed below; the Oscar winners are in bold. Best Picture American…

Major Awards of 2014

Find the winners of the most prestigious awards, from the Oscars to the Pulitzer Prizes Film & Television The Oscars The Emmy Awards The…

Year in Review, 2014

Top events for the nation and the world News and Analysis News of the NationTake a look back at the major national news stories of 2014. Stories include the shooting of unarmed…

Science News, 2014

Major science news stories, from a plant-eating giant to our first close-up of a comet by Catherine McNiff NASA AIRS depiction of the polar vortex Related Links 2014 Year in Review…

2014 U.S. News

Major National News Stories of 2014 Ferguson Protests Related Links 2014 Year in Review 2014 News of the World Science News of 2014 2014 People in the News 2014 Places in…

2014 World News

Major World News Stories of 2014 —Beth Rowen Flag of ISISRelated Links 2014 Year in Review 2014 News of the NationScience News of 2014 2014…

2014 Midterm Elections

Republicans Take Control of the Senate     Related Links U.S. Government U.S. Elections History of the Tea Party Movement U.S. History Timeline…

Freedom in the World, 2014

Since 1972, Freedom House has published Freedom in the World, an annual comparative assessment of the state of political rights and civil liberties around the world, which uses a ranking system of 1–…