Scientists: Applied Sciences and Technology
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Agriculturalists, computer scientists, electrical engineers, engineers, and inventors
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- Atwater, Wilbur Olin
- Bennett, Hugh Hammond
- Boyd Orr, John Boyd Orr, 1st Baron
- Carver, George Washington
- Dorset, Marion
- Downing, Andrew Jackson
- Fairchild, David Grandison
- Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar
- Lindley, John
- Marbut, Curtis Fletcher
- Osborne, Thomas Burr
- Wiley, Harvey Washington
Computer Scientists
- Babbage, Charles
- Berners-Lee, Tim
- Gates, Bill
- Jobs, Steven Paul
- Knuth, Donald Ervin
- Turing, Alan Mathison
- Wozniak, Steve
Electrical Engineers
- Ferraris, Galileo
- Fleming, Sir John Ambrose
- Goldmark, Peter Carl
- Gramme, Zénobe-Théophile
- Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold
- Kennelly, Arthur Edwin
- Poulsen, Valdemar
- Ruska, Ernst
- Siemens, Ernst Werner von
- Siemens, Sir William
- Sperry, Elmer Ambrose
- Sprague, Frank Julian
- Steinmetz, Charles Proteus
- Ammann, Othmar Hermann
- Baker, Sir Benjamin
- Belidor, Bernard Forest de
- Benz, Karl
- Brunel, Sir Marc Isambard
- Bunau-Varilla, Philippe Jean
- Caus, Salomon de
- Cierva, Juan de la
- Daimler, Gottlieb
- Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave
- Ewing, Sir James Alfred
- Fowler, Sir John
- Fresnel, Augustin Jean
- Freyssinet, Eugène
- Fuller, R. Buckminster
- Giocondo, Fra Giovanni
- Giorgio, Francesco di
- Jenney, William Le Baron
- L'Enfant, Pierre Charles
- Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, vicomte de
- Maillart, Robert
- Nervi, Pier Luigi
- Otto, Nikolaus August
- Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon
- Rankine, William John Macquorn
- Reynolds, Osborne
- Roebling, John Augustus
- Savery, Thomas
- Smeaton, John
- Stephenson, George
- Trevithick, Richard
- Tupolev, Andrei Nikolayevich
- Vitruvius
- Arkwright, Sir Richard
- Babbage, Charles
- Baird, John Logie
- Baran, Paul
- Bell, Alexander Graham
- Birdseye, Clarence
- Blériot, Louis
- Borden, Gail
- Bramah, Joseph
- Cartwright, Edmund
- Chappelle, Emmett
- Cierva, Juan de la
- Colt, Samuel
- Cooper, Peter
- Crompton, Samuel
- Ctesibius
- Curtiss, Glenn Hammond
- Cushman, David
- Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé
- Daimler, Gottlieb
- Davies, Donald
- De Forest, Lee
- Drebbel, Cornelis Jacobszoon
- Eastman, George
- Edgerton, Harold
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Evans, Oliver
- Farmer, Moses Gerrish
- Farnsworth, Philo Taylor
- Franz, John
- Fulton, Robert
- Gatling, Richard Jordan
- Goddard, William
- Goldmark, Peter
- Goodyear, Charles
- Gray, Elisha
- Gutenberg, Johann
- Heron of Alexandria
- Hilleman, Maurice
- Hollerith, Herman
- Hood, Leroy
- Hounsfield, Godfrey
- Howe, Elias
- Hyatt, John Wesley
- Ives, Frederic Eugene
- Jacquard, Joseph Marie
- Kay, John
- Land, Edwin Herbert
- Lanston, Tolbert
- Lauterbur, Paul
- Lumière, Louis Jean
- Lynott, John
- Mansfield, Peter
- Mergenthaler, Ottmar
- Metcalfe, Robert
- Montgolfier, Joseph Michel
- Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
- Newcomen, Thomas
- Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
- Nobile, Arthur
- Otis, Elisha Graves
- Remington, Eliphalet
- Singer, Isaac Merrit
- Sperry, Elmer Ambrose
- Talbot, William Henry Fox
- Trevithick, Richard
- Watt, James
- Westinghouse, George
- Whitney, Eli
- Wichterle, Otto
- Wright, Orville
- Zeppelin, Ferdinand, Graf von
See also: