Roman Numerals Quiz
In Roman numerals, the movie title 2001: A Space Odyssey would be
- MMI equals 2001.
A boy turning 14 would probably have this many candles on his cake:
- XIV equals 14.
Which number is longer when written in Roman numerals, 63 or 159?
- When written in Roman numerals, 63 (LXIII) is longer than 159 (CLIX).
Which is bigger, DI or LI?
- DI (501) is bigger than LI (51).
If you have a book with a copyright date of MCMXLVIII, it was published in
- MCMXLVIII equals 1948.
The word MIX happens to be Roman numerals for
- MIX equals 1009.
V is the same as
- V equals 5.
If Julius has 7 books and Nancy has 9, how many books do they have altogether?
- 7 (VII) plus 9 (IX) is 16 (XVI).
If you evenly divided D beads among C jars, how many beads would be in each jar?
- D (500) divided by C (100) equals V (5).
If Pamela had V popsicles and ate III, how many would she have left?
- V (5) minus III (3) is II (2).