Can You Guess Why These Toys Were Banned?
Why were Sky Dancers banned?
- Sky Dancers were supposed to be the next Barbie, but they were recalled quickly after it was found that their unpredictable flying could actually cause injury. There were many reported injuries before the recall.
Why was the Snacktime Kidd Cabbage Patch Doll banned?
- The Snacktime Kid Cabbage Patch Doll was quickly banned when parents realized the lack of an off button was not only annoying, but dangerous. The doll would chew anything that came near its mouth!
Why was the Magnetix Magnet Building Set recalled?
- The Magnetix Magnet Building Set was incredibly popular in the 2000s, but the magnets constantly fell out of the pieces. This was a problem because kids would swallow those and they would attract to each other inside the stomach.
Why were Aqua Dots banned?
- Aqua Dots seemed like a simple toy, but it was quickly found that the toys contained a GHB compound, most commonly known as a date rape drug. Children who ate the dots were hospitalized for days.
Why was the Hasbro Easy Bake Oven banned?
- Hasbro attempted to follow the trend of the Easy Bake Oven, but changed the design to make it their own. Unfortunately, they made it too realistic and children could stick their hands inside, causing many burns before it was banned.
Why was the Disney Tarzan Rad Repeatin' Doll banned?
- Disney thought they hit a homerun with the Tarzan Rad Repeatin’ Doll, which would move his arm up and down while making a jungle call. Unfortunately, the doll looked like it was masturbating to some parents and was banned.
Why was the Teletubby talking doll banned?
- Parents complained about Po, one of the Teletubby talking dolls, because they believed it was saying a gay slur. The company stated he was actually saying "fident," but children were repeating the slur.
Why was Earring Magic Ken banned?
- Earring Magic Ken was banned after some parents complained that his statement necklace looked like a sex toy.
Why was the Gilbert Atomic Energy Lab banned?
- The Gilbert Atomic Energy Lab was a cool toy that was able to glow in the dark... because it had uranium. It was quickly banned when that was discovered.
Why was the CSI Fingerprinting Examining Kit banned?
- The CSI Fingerprint Examining Kit was quickly banned when it was discovered that the powder had asbestos and was incredibly toxic when kids ingested it.