World's Smallest... Quiz
How many people can be accomodated in the world's smallest church?
- The world's smallest church is located in Oneida, New York. The chapel is "on an island" and only has enough room to accommodate a minister, a bride, and a groom. The church was built in 1989 and is 28.68 square feet.
How much does the world's smallest functioning car weigh?
- The world's smallest car currently resides in Sutton-in-Ashfield, England, where multiple copies are being produced. The Peel P50 has three wheels, one door, and room for one plus a shopping bag. It is so small it only weighs 150 pounds, but is functional
Famed potter Wu Ruishen recently made the world's smallest what?
- Wu Ruishen, a pottery master in China, created the world's smallest teapot in 2008. The teapot weighs just 1.4 grams (.05 ounces).
Windsor, England houses the world's smallest _____.
- Queen Mary's Dollhouse, built for her in 1924 resides in a museum in Windsor, England.The world's smallest medicine chest lives in that dollhouse. The medicine chest is less than 2 centimeters wide, but it still holds twelve bottles.
One Oakland company proudly declares itself the world's smallest ______.
- The World's Smallest Postal Service (WSPS) resides in Oakland, CA. The company was started by artist Lea Redmond in 2008. The service takes your normal mail and recreates it in a much smaller size, sending incredibly small letters all over the world!
Where is the world's smallest liveable house?
- The world's smallest house resides in Boston, MA and is available as an Airbnb for $55 a night. Artist Jeff W. Smith built the house on wheels, and it has a toilet and stove though no electricity.
The world's smallest park is the rougly size of a ______.
- Mill Ends Park in Portland, OR is the world's smallest park and resides mere feet away from the world's largest park. Dick Fagan created the park when he saw an unfilled lightpost hole.
Guernsey houses the world's smallest...
- Sark Prison resides on Sark Island in Guernsey. Originally built as a school for girls, the building was transformed into a prison in 1856. The prison can only hold two people maximum, and it is still in use today as a sobering tank.
Northern Spain is home to the world's smallest tidal beach. How long is the beachfront?
- Playa de Gulpiyuri is a flooded sinkhole in Asturias Northern Spain, and it is said to be the world's smallest beach. The beach is only accessible by walking from nearby places, and it can only fit a number of people on its sands.
Swiss engineers designed the world's smallest ______.
- The SwissMiniGun is 5.5 cm long, 3.5 cm tall, and 1 cm wide and currently resides in Switzerland. Despite it's small size, the gun is fully functional, shooting bullets at 270 miles per hour. It has been banned from various countries, the US included.