How Well Do You Know New York?
How many boroughs is New York City comprised of?
- NYC is comprised of 5 boroughs, with Manhattan at the center. The boroughs lie where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean.
How many people live in NYC?
- Nearly 8 million people live in NYC. That means 1 in 38 Americans call the city home.
How many languages are spoken throughout the city?
- NYC is the most linguistically diverse city in the world, with more than 800 languages spoken throughout. 4 in 10 households speak a language other than English.
What is Times Square named after?
- Times Square, originally called Longacre Square, was renamed in 1904 after The New York Times moved there.
New York City was home to the first United States...
- NYC is famous for pizza because it's home to the first US pizzeria. Lombardi's opened in 1895 and still serves some of the city's best pizza.
According to popular lore, what about New York City makes its bagels so good?
- New York City is known for its bagels, which are so good due to the water from the city.
The oldest building in NYC dates back to when?
- NYC's oldest building is from 1642! The Wyckoff Farm, located in Brooklyn, is now a museum.
The shells of what creature were used to pave Pearl Street?
- Oysters were so popular in NYC in the 19th century that their shells were used to pave Pearl Street.
McSorley's, one of the oldest bars in the city, didn't allow women in until which year?
- McSorley's didn't allow women inside until 1970! That's 50 years after women won the right to vote.
The narrowest house in NYC is how many feet wide?
- The narrowest house in NYC, located in West Village, is just 9 feet wide!