How Well Do You Know Antarctica?
Antarctica holds most of the world's what?
- Antarctica holds most of the world's fresh water source. It holds 60-90% of the Earth's fresh water under all the ice.
What is the coldest temperature Antarctica has reached (in degrees Fahrenheit)?
- The coldest temperature Antarctica ever reached was -128.6 degrees. However, the continent was once as hot as Melbourne, with temperatures as high as 62 degrees millions of years ago.
How many countries contribute to Antarctica's regulations?
- The Antarctic Treaty, which was created because there were no indigenous people when the continent was discovered, has since been signed by 41 countries. These countries work together to establish how human life works on the continent.
How many plant species are in Antarctica?
- There are only 2 species of plants in Antarctica: Antarctic hair grass and Antarctic pearlwort. There are no trees or shrubs around the continent.
How big is Antarctica in square miles?
- Antarctica is 5.5 million square miles, which is twice the size of Australia and larger than the US and Mexico combined!
The Ross Ice Shelf is as large as what country?
- The Ross Ice Shelf is as large as the country of France! It is 197,000 square miles and extends off the continent's main landmass.
How many active volcanoes does Antarctica have?
- Antarctica has many extinct volcanoes, but 2 of its volcanoes are still active. One of them is even located below the ice and has subglacial eruptions.
How many people have been born on the continent?
- Only 11 people have been born in Antarctica, with the first happening in 1979! No one permanently lives on the continent, but it does have around 1,000-4,000 humans year-round.
Which lake never freezes?
- Deep Lake in East Antarctica ia actually so salty it can never fully freeze. It is practically unusuable due to the salinity levels.
Blood Falls is what color?
- Blood Falls is a subglacial lake that flows from Taylor Glacier, and has a deep red color due to the salt and oxidised iron. Scientists didn't locate the reason for the red color until 2017.