Women's Suffrage: Chronological Record of the Winning of Woman Suffrage by Federal Amendment

Chronological Record of the Winning of Woman Suffrage by Federal Amendment
Text of the Amendment
“Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
“Section 2. The Congress shall have power, by appropriate legislation, to enforce the provisions of this article.“
History of Amendment
First introduced in the Senate, January 10, 1878, by Senator A. A. Sargent, of California.
Reported from Committee:
1878, Adverse majority.
1882, Favorable majority, adverse minority.
1884, Favorable majority, adverse minority.
1886, Favorable majority, adverse minority.
1889, Favorable majority, adverse minority.
1890, Without recommendation.
1893, Favorable majority, adverse minority.
1896, Without recommendation.
1913, Favorable majority.
1914, Favorable majority.
1916, Favorable majority.
1917, Unanimously.
1883, Favorable majority.
1884, Adverse majority, favorable minority.
1886, Adverse majority, favorable minority.
1890, Favorable majority.
1894, Adverse majority.
1914, Without recommendation.
1916, Without recommendation.
1917, Sept. 24, Woman Suffrage Committee created, yes, 181, no 107.
1917, Dec. 15, Reported from Judiciary Committee without recommendation.
1918, Jan. 3, Reported favorably from House Suffrage Committee.
Voted Upon:
January 12, 1915; yeas 174, nays 204 (378 voting).
January 10, 1918; yeas, 274, nays 136 (410 voting).
May 21, 1919; yeas 304; nays 89 (393 voting).
January 25, 1887; yeas 16, nays 34 (50 voting).
March 19, 1914; yeas 35, nays 34 (69 voting).
October 1, 1918; yeas, including pairs, 62; nays 34.
February 10, 1919; yeas, including pairs, 63; nays 33.
June 4, 1919; yeas, including pairs, 66; nays 30.