Stephen Crane: Once I saw thee idly rocking
Updated September 23, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

Once I saw thee idly rocking
—Idly rocking—
And chattering girlishly to other girls,
Bell-voiced, happy,
Careless with the stout heart of unscarred
And life to thee was all light melody.
I thought of the great storms of love as I
knew it,
Torn, miserable, and ashamed of my open
I thought of the thunders that lived in my
And I wish to be an ogre,
And hale and haul my beloved to a castle,
And make her mourn with my mourning.
—Idly rocking—
And chattering girlishly to other girls,
Bell-voiced, happy,
Careless with the stout heart of unscarred
And life to thee was all light melody.
I thought of the great storms of love as I
knew it,
Torn, miserable, and ashamed of my open
I thought of the thunders that lived in my
And I wish to be an ogre,
And hale and haul my beloved to a castle,
And make her mourn with my mourning.