Breadcrumb Home > Primary Sources > Poetry > Sara Teasdale > Sara Teasdale: "My Heart Is Heavy" Sara Teasdale: "My Heart Is Heavy" Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff "My Heart Is Heavy"My heart is heavy with many a song Like ripe fruit bearing down the tree, But I can never give you one — My songs do not belong to me.Yet in the evening, in the dusk When moths go to and fro, In the gray hour if the fruit has fallen, Take it, no one will know. Sara Teasdale: "It Is Not a Word" Sara Teasdale: Flame and Shadow, Part V Sara Teasdale: The Nights Remember .com/t/poetry/flame-shadow/my-heart-is-heavy.html Sources + Our Common Sources See also: Sara Teasdale: The Wind in the Hemlock TrendingHere are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. Jewish Holidays, 2010-2030 (A.M. 5770-5791) Western Christian Holidays, 2010-2030 12 Steps to a New Year New Year's Resolution to Slim Down? Martin Luther King Speeches Books of the Bible: Old Testament Books in Order ✖
Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff "My Heart Is Heavy"My heart is heavy with many a song Like ripe fruit bearing down the tree, But I can never give you one — My songs do not belong to me.Yet in the evening, in the dusk When moths go to and fro, In the gray hour if the fruit has fallen, Take it, no one will know. Sara Teasdale: "It Is Not a Word" Sara Teasdale: Flame and Shadow, Part V Sara Teasdale: The Nights Remember .com/t/poetry/flame-shadow/my-heart-is-heavy.html Sources + Our Common Sources