Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: O
Updated May 6, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

O', of.
O'erword, the refrain; catchword.
Onie, any.
Or, ere, before.
Orra, extra.
O't, of it.
Ought, aught.
Oughtlins, aughtlins, aught in the least; at all.
Ourie, shivering, drooping.
Outler, unhoused.
Owre, over, too.
Owsen, oxen.
Owthor, author.
Oxter'd, held up under the arms.
O'erword, the refrain; catchword.
Onie, any.
Or, ere, before.
Orra, extra.
O't, of it.
Ought, aught.
Oughtlins, aughtlins, aught in the least; at all.
Ourie, shivering, drooping.
Outler, unhoused.
Owre, over, too.
Owsen, oxen.
Owthor, author.
Oxter'd, held up under the arms.