Percy Bysshe Shelley: Juvenilia
Updated May 6, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Of the following pieces the "Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire", the Poems from "St. Irvyne, or The Rosicrucian", "The Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson" and "The Devil's Walk", were published by Shelley himself; the others by Medwin, Rossetti, Forman and Dowden, as indicated in the several prefatory notes.
- Verses on a Cat
- Fragment: Omens
- Epitaphium
- In Horologium
- A Dialogue
- The Solitary
- To Death
- Love's Rose
- Eyes: A Fragment
- Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire
- Poems from St. Irvyne, or, the Rosicrucian
- 1.-Victoria
- Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Mcholson
- Fragment: Supposed to be an Epithalamium of Francis Ravaillac and Charlotte Corday
- Despair
- Fragment
- The Spectral Horseman
- Melody to a Scene of Former Times
- Stanza from a Translation of the Marseillaise Hymn
- Bigotry's Victim
- On an Icicle that Clung to the Grass of a Grave
- Love
- On a Fete at Carlton House: Fragment
- To a Star
- To Mary Who Died in this Opinion
- A Tale of Society as It Is: from Facts, 1811
- To the Republicans of North America
- To Ireland
- On Robert Emmet's Grave
- The Retrospect: Cwm Elan, 1812
- Fragment of a Sonnet
- To Harriet
- Sonnet
- Sonnet
- The Devil's Walk
- Fragment of a Sonnet
- On Leaving London for Wales
- The Wandering Jew's Soliloquy
- Evening
- To Ianthe
- Song from the Wandering Jew
- Fragment from the Wandering Jew
- To the Queen of My Heart