MacKaye, Percy
Updated September 23, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

Born at New York City, March 16, 1875. Educated at Harvard University and the University of Leipzig. He has written many poetic dramas and several volumes of lyric verse. Among the best known of his dramas are: "The Canterbury Pilgrims", 1903; "Fenris, the Wolf", 1905; "Jeanne d'Arc", 1906; "Sappho and Phaon", 1907; and "Caliban: A Masque", 1916. He is also the author of several prose dramas which have been successfully produced. In non-dramatic poetry his most representative volumes are: "Poems", 1909; "Uriel, and Other Poems", 1912; "The Sistine Eve, and Other Poems", "The Present Hour", 1915.
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