Breadcrumb Home > Primary Sources > Poetry > Modern Verse > Carl Sandburg: Loam Carl Sandburg: Loam Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff LoamCarl SandburgIn the loam we sleep, In the cool moist loam, To the lull of years that pass And the break of stars.From the loam, then, The soft warm loam, We rise: To shape of rose leaf, Of face and shoulder. We stand, then, To a whiff of life, Lifted to the silver of the sun Over and out of the loam A day. John Hall Wheelock: Exile from God The Second Book of Modern Verse Witter Bynner: Hills of Home .com/t/poetry/modern-verse/loam.html Sources + Our Common Sources See also: Carl Sandburg: The Great Hunt TrendingHere are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. Jewish Holidays, 2010-2030 (A.M. 5770-5791) Western Christian Holidays, 2010-2030 12 Steps to a New Year New Year's Resolution to Slim Down? Martin Luther King Speeches Books of the Bible: Old Testament Books in Order ✖
Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff LoamCarl SandburgIn the loam we sleep, In the cool moist loam, To the lull of years that pass And the break of stars.From the loam, then, The soft warm loam, We rise: To shape of rose leaf, Of face and shoulder. We stand, then, To a whiff of life, Lifted to the silver of the sun Over and out of the loam A day. John Hall Wheelock: Exile from God The Second Book of Modern Verse Witter Bynner: Hills of Home .com/t/poetry/modern-verse/loam.html Sources + Our Common Sources