The Iliad of Homer, translated by Alexander Pope
Updated May 14, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Translated by Alexander Pope
With Notes by Rev. Theodore Alois Buckley M.A. F.S.A.
Illustrated by Flaxman's Designs
- Summary
- Introduction.
- Pope's Preface to the Iliad of Homer
- The Contention of Achilles and Agamemnon.
- The Trial of the Army, and Catalogue of the Forces.
- The Duel of Menelaus and Paris.
- The Breach of the Truce, and the First Battle.
- The Acts of Diomed.
- The Episodes of Glaucus and Diomed, and of Hector and Andromache.
- The Single Combat of Hector and Ajax.
- The Second Battle, and the Distress of the Greeks.
- The Embassy to Achilles.
- The Night-Adventure of Diomed and Ulysses.
- The Third Battle, and the Acts of Agamemnon.
- The Battle at the Grecian Wall.
- The Fourth Battle Continued, in which Neptune Assists the Greeks: The Acts of Idomeneus.
- Juno Deceives Jupiter by the Girdle of Venus.
- The Fifth Battle at the Ships; and the Acts of Ajax.
- The Sixth Battle, the Acts and Death of Patroclus
- The Seventh Battle, for the Body of Patroclus.-The Acts of Menelaus.
- The Grief of Achilles, and New Armour Made Him by Vulcan.
- The Reconciliation of Achilles and Agamemnon.
- The Battle of the Gods, and the Acts of Achilles.
- The Battle in the River Scamander.
- The Death of Hector.
- Funeral Games in Honour of Patroclus.
- The Redemption of the Body of Hector.
- Concluding Note.
- Footnotes