Aitareya-Aranyaka: First Aranyaka, Fourth Adhyâya, Third Khanda

1. He recites the eighty tristichs of Gâayatrîs. Verily, the eighty Gâyatrî tristichs are this world (earth). Whatever there is in this world of glory, greatness, wives, food, and honour, may I obtain it, may I win it, may it be mine.
2. Next comes the Sûdadohas verse. Sûdadohas verily is breath. He joins this world with breath.
3. He recites the eighty tristichs of Brihatîs. Verily, the eighty Brihatî tristichs are the world of the sky. Whatever there is in the world of the sky of glory, greatness, wives, food, and honour, may I obtain it, may I win it, may it be mine.
4. Next comes the Sûdadohas verse. Sûdadohas verily is breath. He joins the world of the sky with breath.
5. He recites the eighty tristichs of Ushnih. Verily, the eighty Ushnih tristichs are that world, the
heaven. Whatever there is in that world of glory, greatness, wives, food, and honour, also the divine being of the Devas (Brahman), may I obtain it, may I win it, may it be mine.
6. Next comes the Sûdadohas verse. Sûdadohas verily is the breath. He joins that world with breath, yea, with breath.