Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad: First Adhyâya, Sixth Brahmana

I. Verily this is a triad, name, form, and work. Of these names, that which is called Speech is the Uktha, (hymn, supposed to mean also origin), for from it all names arise. It is their saman (song, supposed to mean also sameness), for it is the same as all names. It is their Brahman (prayer, supposed to mean also support), for it supports all names.
2. Next, of the forms, that which is called Eye is the Uktha (hymn), for from it all forms arise. It is their Saman (song), for it is the same as all forms. It is their Brahman (prayer), for it supports all forms.
3. Next, of the works, that which is called Body is the Uktha (hymn), for from it all works arise. It is theirsaman (song), for it is the same as all works. It is their Brahman (prayer), for it supports all works.
That being a triad is one, viz. this Self; and the Self, being one, is that triad. This is the immortal, covered by the true. Verily breath is the immortal, name and form are the true, and by them the immortal is covered.