Khandogya-Upanishad: Fifth Prapathaka, Eleventh Khanda

1. Pranasala Aupamanyava, Satyayagna Paulushi, Indradyumna Bhallaveya, Gana Sarkarakshya, and Budila Asvatarasvi, these five great householders and great theologians came once together and held a discussion as to What is our Self, and what is Brahman.
2. They reflected and said: “Sirs, there is that Uddalaka Aruni, who knows at present that Self, called Vaisvanara. Well, let us go to him.” They went to him.
3. But he reflected: “Those great householders and great theologians will examine me, and I shall not be able to tell them all; therefore I shall recommend another teacher to them.”
4. He said to them: “Sirs, Asvapati Kaikeya knows at present that Self, called Vaisvanara. Well, let us go to him.” They went to him.
5. When they arrived (the king) ordered proper presents to be made separately to each of them. And rising the next morning, he said: “In my kingdom there is no thief, no miser, no drunkard, no man without an altar in his house, no ignorant person, no adulterer, much less an adulteress. I am going to perform a sacrifice, Sirs, and as much wealth as I give to each Ritvig priest, I shall give to you, Sirs. Please to stay here.”
6. They replied: “Every man ought to say for what purpose he comes. You know at present that Vaisvanara Self, tell us that.”
7. He said: “tomorrow I shall give you an answer.” Therefore on the next morning they approached him, carrying fuel in their hands (like students), and he, without first demanding any preparatory rites, said to them: