Khandogya-Upanishad: First Prapathaka, Eighth Khanda

1. There were once three men, well-versed in udgitha, Silaka Salavatya, Kaikitayana Dalbhya, and Pravahana Gaivali. They said: “We are well versed in udgitha. Let us have a discussion on udgitha.”
2. They all agreed and sat down. Then Pravahana Gaivali said: “Sirs, do you both speak first, for I wish to hear what two Brahmanas have to say.”
3. Then Silaka Salavatya said to Kaikitayana Dalbhya: “Let me ask you.”
“Ask,” he replied.
4. “What is the origin of the Saman?”
“Tone (svara),” he replied.
“What is the origin of tone?”
“Breath,” he replied.
“What is the origin of breath?”
“Food,” he replied.
“What is the origin of food?”
“Water,” he replied.
5. “What is the origin of water?”
“That world (heaven),” he replied.
“And what is the origin of that world?”
He replied: “Let no man carry the Saman beyond the world of svarga (heaven). We place (recognise) the Saman in the world of svarga, for the Saman is extolled as svarga (heaven).”
6. Then said Silaka Salavatya to Kaikitayana Dalbhya: “O Dalbhya, thy Saman is not firmly established. And if any one were to say, Your head shall fall off (if you be wrong), surely your head would now fall.”
7. “Well then, let me know this from you, Sir,” said Dalbhya.
“Know it,” replied Silaka Salavatya.
“What is the origin of that world (heaven)?”
“This world,” he replied.
“And what is the origin of this world?”
He replied: “Let no man carry the Saman beyond this world as its rest. We place the Saman in this world as its rest, for the Saman is extolled as rest.”
8. Then said Pravihana Gaivali to Silaka Salavatya: “Your Saman (the earth), O Salavatya, has an end. And if any one were to say, Your head shall fall off (if you be wrong), surely your head would now fall.”
“Well then, let me know this from you, Sir,” said Salavatya.
“Know it,” replied Gaivali.