The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, May 28, 1804
Updated May 14, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Clark, May 28, 1804
May 28th Munday 1804 Gasconnade
Rained hard all last night Some thunder & lightening hard wind in the forepart of the night from the S W. Ruben Fields Killed a Deer Several hunter out to day I measured the river found the Gasconnade to be 157 yds. wide and 19 foot Deep the Course of this R. is S 29° W, one of the hunters fell in with 6 Inds. hunting, onloaded the large Perogue on board of which was 8 french hands found many things wet by their cearlenessness, put all the articles which was wet out to Dry- this day So Cloudy that no observations could be taken, the river begin to rise, examine the mens arms and equapage, all in Order