The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Lewis, September 13, 1804

Lewis, September 13, 1804
September 13th
Killed a bluewinged teal and a Porcupine; found it in a Cottonwood tree near the river on the Lard. Shore- the leaves of the Cottonwood were much distroyed- as were those of the Cottonwood trees in it's neighbourhood. I therefore supposed that it fed on the folage of trees at this season, the flesh of this anamal is a pleasant and whoalsome food- the quills had not yet obtained their usual length- it has four long toes, before on each foot, and the same number behind with the addition of one short one on each hind foot on the inner side. the toes of the feet are armed with long black nails particularly the fore feet- they weigh from 15 to 20 lbs- they resemble the slowth very much in the form of their hands, or fore feet. their teeth and eyes are like the bever