The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, August 2, 1805
Updated May 14, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Clark, August 2, 1805
August 2nd Friday 1805
a fine day Set out early the river has much the Same kind of banks Chanel Current &c. as it had in the last vallie, I walked out this morning on Shore & Saw Several rattle Snakes in the plain, the wind from the S W we proceeded on with great dificuelty from the rapidity of the current & rapids, abt. 15 miles and Encamped on the Lard Side, saw a large Gangue of Elk at Sunset to the S W. passed a Small Creek on the Stard Side and maney large and Small Islands. Saw a number of young Ducks as we have also Seen everry Day, Some geese I saw Black woodpeckers- I have either got my foot bitten by Some poisonous insect or a turner is riseing on the inner bone of my ankle which is painfull