The Journals of Lewis & Clark: Clark, March 7, 1805
Updated May 14, 2020 |
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Clark, March 7, 1805
7th of March Thursday 1805
a little Cloudy and windey N E. the Coal visited us with a Sick child, to whome I gave Some of rushes Pills- Shabounar returned this evening from the Gross Vintres & informed that all the nation had returned from the hunting- he our menetarre interpeter had received a present from Mr. Chaboilleiz of the N. W. Company of the following articles 3 Brace of Cloath 1 Brace of Scarlet a par Corduroy Overalls 1 Vests 1 Brace Blu Cloth 1 Brace red or Scarlet with 3 bars, 200 balls & Powder, 2 bracs Tobacco, 3 Knives.