The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 24, 1804

July 24, 1804
White Catfish Camp 24th of July Tuesday. a fair morning the wind rose with the Sun & blows hard from the S. thos Southerley Breezes are dry Cool & refreshing. the Northerley Breezes which is more frequent is much Cooler, and moist, I continue my Drawing. Cap Lewis also ingaged prepareing Som paper to Send back, one of the men cought a white Catfish, the eyes Small, & Tale resembling that of a Dolfin.
White Catfish Camp 10 Ms. above Platt
24th, of July 1804 Tuesday a fair day the wind blows hard from the South, the Breezes which are verry frequent on this part of the Missouri is cool and refreshing. Several hunters out to day; but as the game of all Kinds are Scarce only two Deer were brought in- I am much engaged drawing off a map, Capt. Lewis also much engaged in prepareing Papers to Send back by a pirogue- Which we intended to Send back from the river Plate- observations at this place makes the Lattitude 41° 3' 19" North
This evening Guthrege Cought a white Catfish, its eyes Small & tale much like that of a Dolfin