William Shakespeare: Pericles, Dramatis Personae
Updated September 23, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff
- Antiochus, king of Antioch.
- Pericles, prince of Tyre.
Two Lords of Tyre.
- Helicanus
- Escanes
- Simonides, king of Pentapolis.
- Cleon, governor of Tarsus.
- Lysimachus, governor of Mytilene.
- Cerimon, a lord of Ephesus.
- Thaliard, a lord of Antioch.
- Philemon, servant to Cerimon.
- Leonine, servant to Dionyza.
- Marshal.
- A Pandar.
- Boult, his servant.
- The Daughter of Antiochus.
- Dionyza, wife to Cleon.
- Thaisa, daughter to Simonides.
- Marina, daughter to Pericles and Thaisa.
- Lychorida, nurse to Marina.
- A Bawd.
- Lords, Knights, Gentlemen, Sailors, Pirates, Fishermen, and Messengers.
- Diana
- Gower, as Chorus.