William Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice, Dramatis Personae
Updated September 23, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

- The Duke of Venice.
Suitors to Portia.
- The Prince of Morocco
- The Prince of Arragon
- Antonio, a merchant of Venice.
- Bassanio, his friend, suitor likewise to Portia.
Friends to Antonio and Bassanio.
- Salanio
- Salarino
- Gratiano
- Salerio
- Lorenzo, in love with Jessica.
- Shylock, a rich Jew.
- Tubal, a Jew, his friend.
- Launcelot Gobbo, the clown, servant to Shylock.
- Old Gobbo, father to Launcelot.
- Leonardo, servant to Bassanio.
Servants to Portia.
- Balthasar
- Stephano
- Portia, a rich heiress.
- Nerissa, her waiting-maid.
- Jessica, daughter to Shylock.
- Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaoler, Servants to Portia, and other Attendants.