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Gordy, Berry, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Gordy, Berry, Jr., 1929–, African-American music-industry executive, b. Detroit. After stints in the army and as a professional boxer,…

Cromwell, Gladys

Cromwell, Gladys[1885-1919](1)Born in Brooklyn, but lived the greater part of her life in New York City. She was educated at private schools in New York, and had a period of study in Paris,…

Gladys Cromwell: The Mould

The MouldGladys CromwellNo doubt this active will, So bravely steeped in sun, This will has vanquished Death And foiled oblivion.But this indifferent clay, This fine experienced hand, So…


(Encyclopedia) knight, in ancient and medieval history, a noble who did military service as a mounted warrior. As the feudal system disintegrated, knight service was with growing frequency…

Knight, Bobby

(Encyclopedia) Knight, Bobby (Robert Montgomery Knight), 1940–, American basketball coach, b. Massillon, Ohio. A point guard at Ohio State (grad. 1962), Knight became (1963) an assistant coach at…

Knight, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Knight, Charles, 1874–1953, American artist, b. New York City. Knight painted and sculpted animal subjects. He is best known for his murals at the American Museum of Natural History,…


(Encyclopedia) knighthood: see chivalry; courtly love; knight.