History of Traditional Harness-Racing Stakes
Updated August 28, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

The Hambletonian
Year | Winner | Driver | Best time | Total purse |
1967 | Speedy Streak | Del Cameron | 2:00.0 | $122,650 |
1968 | Nevele Pride | Stanley Dancer | 1:59.2 | 116,190 |
1969 | Lindy's Pride | Howard Beissinger | 1:57.3 | 124,910 |
1970 | Timothy T. | John Simpson, Jr. | 1:58.21 | 143,630 |
1971 | Speedy Crown | Howard Beissinger | 1:57.2 | 129,770 |
1972 | Super Bowl | Stanley Dancer | 1:56.2 | 119,090 |
1973 | Flirth | Ralph Baldwin | 1:57.1 | 144,710 |
1974 | Christopher T | Billy Haughton | 1:58.3 | 160,150 |
1975 | Bonefish | Stanley Dancer | 1:59.02 | 232,192 |
1976 | Steve Lobell | Billy Haughton | 1:56.2 | 263,524 |
1977 | Green Speed | Billy Haughton | 1:55.3 | 284,131 |
1978 | Speedy Somolli | Howard Beissinger | 1:55.03 | 241,280 |
1979 | Legend Hanover | George Sholty | 1:56.1 | 300,000 |
1980 | Burgomeister | Billy Haughton | 1:56.3 | 293,570 |
1981 | Shiaway St. Pat | Ray Remmen | 2:01.14 | 838,000 |
1982 | Speed Bowl | Tommy Haughton | 1:56.4 | 875,750 |
1983 | Duenna | Stanley Dancer | 1:57.2 | 1,000,000 |
1984 | Historic Freight | Ben Webster | 1:56.25 | 1,219,000 |
1985 | Prakas | Bill O'Donnell | 1:54.3 | 1,272,000 |
1986 | Nuclear Kosmos | Ulf Thoresen | 1:55.26 | 1,172,082 |
1987 | Mack Lobell | John Campbell | 1:53.3 | 1,046,300 |
1988 | Armbro Goal | John Campbell | 1:54.3 | 1,156,800 |
1989 | Park Avenue Joe Probe* | Ron Wayples Bill Fahy | 1:54.3 | 1,131,000 |
1990 | Harmonious | John Campbell | 1:54.1 | 1,346,000 |
1991 | Giant Victory | Jack Moiseyev | 1:54.4 | 1,238,000 |
1992 | Alf Palema | Mickey McNichol | 1:56.27 | 1,288,000 |
1993 | American Winner | Ron Pierce | 1:53.1 | 1,200,000 |
1994 | Victory Dream | Mike Lachance | 1:53.4 | 1,200,000 |
1995 | Tagliabue | John Campbell | 1:54.4 | 1,200,000 |
1996 | Continentalvictory | Mike Lachance | 1:52.1 | 1,200,000 |
1997 | Malabar Man | Malvern Burroughs | 1:53.4 | 1,000,000 |
1998 | Muscles Yankee | John Campbell | 1:52.2 | 1,000,000 |
1999 | Self Possessed | Mike Lachance | 1:51.3 | 1,000,000 |
2000 | Yankee Paco | Travor Ritchie | 1:53.2 | 1,000,000 |
2001 | Scarlet Knight | Stefan Melander | 1:53.4 | 1,000,000 |
2002 | Chip Chip Hooray | Eric Ledford | 1:53.3 | 1,000,000 |
2003 | Amigo Hall | Mike Lachance | 1:54.0 | 1,000,000 |
2004 | Windsong's Legacy | Trond Smedshammer | 1:54.1 | 1,000,000 |
2005 | Vivid Photo | Roger Hammer | 1:52.3 | 1,500,000 |
2006 | Glidemaster | John Campbell | 1:51.1 | 1,500,000 |
Three-year-old trotters. One mile. Guy McKinney won first race at Syracuse in 1926; held at Goshen, N.Y., 1930–1942, 1944–1956; at Yonkers, N.Y., 1943; at Du Quoin, Ill., 1957–1980. Since 1981, the race has been held at The Meadowlands in East Rutherford, N.J. *Cowinners. Fastest heat won by:
1. By Formal Notice.
2. By Yankee Bambino.
3. By Speedy Somolli and Florida Pro.
4. By Super Juan.
5. Delvin G. Hanover.
6. Royal Prestige.
7. Baltic Sonata.
Source: www.hambletonian.org.
Little Brown Jug
Year | Winner | Driver | Best time | Total purse |
1967 | Best of All | Jim Hackett | 1:59.01 | $84,778 |
1968 | Rum Customer | Billy Haughton | 1:59.3 | 104,226 |
1969 | Laverne Hanover | Billy Haughton | 2:00.2 | 109,731 |
1970 | Most Happy Fella | Stanley Dancer | 1:57.1 | 100,110 |
1971 | Nansemond | Herve Filion | 1:57.2 | 102,994 |
1972 | Strike Out | Keith Waples | 1:56.3 | 104,916 |
1973 | Melvin's Woe | Joe O'Brien | 1:57.3 | 120,000 |
1974 | Ambro Omaha | Billy Haughton | 1:57.0 | 132,630 |
1975 | Seatrain | Ben Webster | 1:57.02 | 147,813 |
1976 | Keystone Ore | Stanley Dancer | 1:56.43 | 153,799 |
1977 | Governor Skipper | John Chapman | 1:56.1 | 150,000 |
1978 | Happy Escort | William Popfinger | 1:55.24 | 186,760 |
1979 | Hot Hitter | Herve Filion | 1:55.3 | 226,455 |
1980 | Niatross | Clint Galbraith | 1:54.4 | 207,361 |
1981 | Fan Hanover | Glen Garnsey | 1:56.05 | 243,799 |
1982 | Merger | John Campbell | 1:56.3 | 328,900 |
1983 | Ralph Hanover | Ron Waples | 1:55.3 | 358,800 |
1984 | Colt 46 | Norman Boring | 1:53.3 | 366,717 |
1985 | Nihilator | Bill O'Donnell | 1:52.1 | 350,730 |
1986 | Barberry Spur | Bill O'Donnell | 1:52.4 | 407,684 |
1987 | Jaguar Spur | Richard Stillings | 1:55.3 | 412,330 |
1988 | B.J. Scoot | Mike Lachance | 1:52.3 | 486,050 |
1989 | Goalie Jeff | Mike Lachance | 1:54.1 | 500,200 |
1990 | Beach Towel | Ray Remmen | 1:53.3 | 253,049 |
1991 | Precious Bunny | Jack Moiseyev | 1:54.1 | 575,150 |
1992 | Fake Left | Ron Waples | 1:54.2 | 556,210 |
1993 | Life Sign | John Campbell | 1:52.0 | 465,500 |
1994 | Magical Mike | Mike Lachance | 1:52.3 | 512,830 |
1995 | Nick's Fantasy | John Campbell | 1:51.2 | 543,670 |
1996 | Armbro Operative | Jack Moiyesev | 1:52.3 | 542,220 |
1997 | Western Dreamer | Mike Lachance | 1:51.1 | 605,210 |
1998 | Shady Character | Ron Pierce | 1:52.3 | 566,630 |
1999 | Blissfull Hall | Ron Pierce | 1:55.3 | 543,980 |
2000 | Astreos | Chris Christoforou | 1:55.3 | 547,972 |
2001 | Bettor's Delight | Mike Lachance | 1:51.4 | 646,050 |
2002 | Million Dollar Cam | Luc Ouellette | 1:50.2 | 618,625 |
2003 | No Pan Intended | David Miller | 1:50.0 | 605,050 |
2004 | Timesareachanging | Ron Pierce | 1:51.3 | 571,500 |
2005 | P-Forty-Seven | Dave Palone | 1:52.1 | 307,277 |
Three-year-old pacers. One Mile. Raced at Delaware County Fair Grounds, Delaware, Ohio.
1. By Nardin's Byrd.
2. By Albert's Star.
3. By Armbro Ranger.
4. By Falcon Almahurst.
5. By Seahawk Hanover.
Harness Racing | Dan Patch Awards |