Biographies: Deaths of 2015
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Deaths of 2015
- King Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia
- Brad Anderson, cartoonist
- Sandy Berger, political consultant
- Yogi Berra, baseball player
- Julian Bond, civil rights leader
- Wes Craven, filmmaker
- Mario Matthew Cuomo, American politician
- Anita Ekberg, actor
- Lesley Gore, singer, songwriter
- B.B. King, guitarist, singer
- Anne Meara, actor
- Arch Alfred Moore, West Virginia governor
- John Nash, mathematician
- Leonard Nimoy, actor, Spock from the original Star Trek
- Maureen O'Hara, actor
- Oliver Sacks, writer, neurologist
- Dean Smith, basketball coach
- Robert Stone, American novelist
- Rod Taylor, actor
- Fred Thompson, actor, U.S. Senator, lawyer
- Scott Weiland, musician, Stone Temple Pilots lead singer
- Jim Wright, former House Speaker
See also: