Our Top Stories for the Week of July 11, 2022

Updated July 15, 2022 | Infoplease Staff

It’s been a busy week, from situations involving guns to changes to the political landscape. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories of the week.


Gun Incidence

Stop gun violence sign

Photo Source: iStock

  • The Former Prime Minister Of Japan Dies: On Friday, July 8, 2022, Shinzo Abe, a former Japanese prime minister, was shot by gunfire while giving a speech during a campaign. Tetsuya Yamagami, a 41-year-old inhabitant of Nara, is the prime suspect. According to the authorities, he had manufactured a makeshift gun. Abe was airlifted to a nearby hospital and received medical care after the event but died a few hours later due to complications he had from his injuries.[1]

  • President Biden Interrupted At Speech: On Monday, July 1, 2022, President Joe Biden was giving a speech about the passage of a ban on assault weapons, which was disrupted by a man who lost his son in a 2018 Florida school shooting. The man named Oliver was later shown his way out as the President continued his speech. President Biden continued acknowledging the intruder while emphasizing the need for more legislation.[2]

  • Buffalo Grocery Store Reopens: On Thursday, July 14, 2022, the grocery store at Buffalo, New York, where a gunman killed ten people, reopened. The attacker, Payton Gendron, has been charged in a federal court. Before the opening, a moment of silence was done in the memory of the victims. The Mayor of Buffalo stressed the importance of reopening the store for the city to move forward and heal from the dread.[3] 

Sources: [1] The Guardian [2] Reuters [3] Reuters


Changes In Politics Worldwide


Globe vector cracking

Photo Source: iStock

  • China Urges Australia On Diplomacy: On Saturday, July 9, 2022, the foreign envoy of the People’s Republic of China urged the Australian government to consider improving the ties between the two countries. The statement came during a meeting between the two countries where Penny Wong and Wang Yi talked about achieving a stabilized relationship even though the trade embargo on Australia would take some time to be lifted.[1]

  • President Biden Signs Executive Order For Abortion Access: On Friday, July 8, 2022, the US president, in his statement, mentioned that the supreme court was extreme in its decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, prompting the Executive order that would ease access to abortion care in the United States. The abortion Ruling, which has been in place for more than 50 years, has been praised by the democratic party as means to ensure women’s right to reproductive privacy.[2]

  • Italian President Asks The Prime Minister To Reconsider Resignation: On Thursday, July 14, 2022, the Prime minister of Italy tendered his resignation after political trouble where he lost the confidence of his party members over his plan to combat inflation. The Italian President, however, has urged Draghi to consider his resignation, which could threaten the national Unity government barely 18 months into office.[3]

  • The State Of Emergency Declared In Sri Lanka: On Wednesday, July 13, 2022, The Prime minister of Sri Lanka, who took charge of the Country following the uprising protest, ordered the military to take every necessary step to ensure safety and security within the Country. The protest led to the resignation and exile of the Country’s President as the protesters stormed the presidential palace.[4]

Sources: [1] Reuters [2] Reuters [3] Reuters [4] The Guardian


Ukraine-Russia Conflict Updates


Ukraine soldiers fire on Russian positions

Photo Source: AP Images/Evgeniy Maloletka

  • Rocket Attack Kills Six People In Ukraine: On Sunday, July 10, 2022, the Eastern Ukraine town of Chasiv Yar was hit by a Russian rocket destroying the entire building and resulting in the death of six people. The rockets used for the attack were truck-borne ones that targeted the city as the Russians continued to move more into Ukrainian territory. So far in the crisis, Russia has announced no operational pause as they maintain the same intensity.[1]

  • Russian-Controlled Region Under Ukrainian Attack: On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, the government of Ukraine carried out missile attacks on Russian forces and artillery located in the southern region of Ukraine. The attack is part of a Ukrainian coordinated strike to launch a counterattack to retake the region from Russian forces. According to Russian officials, the attack has led to the death of seven people and 70 people injured.[2]

Sources: [1] USA Today [2] Reuters


Other International Occurrences

International politics


Photo Source: iStock

  • Michigan Formula Factory Reopened: On Saturday, July 9, the baby formula plant in Sturgis, Michigan, reopened following earlier closure due to heavy downpours of rain. Abbott Laboratories, which controls 40% of the formula market, has been at the center of the formula shortage in the United States, recalled many of its products in February due to bacterial infection noticed in babies as a result of consuming the product.[1]

  • First Pictures Of The James Webb Telescope Revealed: On Tuesday, July 12, the first images of interstellar occurrences taken by the James Webb Telescope were released to the public. The project has collaborated with the Canadian, European, and US space agencies. With the New telescope, experts believe astronomers can confidently explore deep space better and in more detail for the next two decades.[2]

  • Emergency Response To Heatwave Triggered: On Wednesday, July 13, Mr. Sadiq Khan gave direction to begin an emergency response to the heatwave. City hall has directed all London boroughs on the proper steps to protect people and disseminate the correct information. The heatwave has been reported to result from the hot air flow from continental Europe. The Temperatures are expected to get hotter and peak within a few days.[3]

Sources: [1] Reuters [2] BBC [3] The Guardian

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