Some Outstanding Temperature Rises
Updated May 8, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

In 12 hours: 83°F, Granville, N.D., Feb. 21, 1918, from –33°F to 50°F from early morning to late afternoon.
In 15 minutes: 42°F, Fort Assiniboine, Mont., Jan. 19, 1892, from –5°F to 37°F.
In seven minutes: 34°F, Kipp, Mont., Dec. 1, 1896. The observer also reported that a total rise of 80°F occurred in a few hours and that 30 in. of snow disappeared in half a day.
In two minutes: 49°F, Spearfish, S.D., Jan. 22, 1943, from –4°F at 7:30 A.M. to 45°F at 7:32 A.M.