Phobia Glossary
Updated May 8, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

A Selected List of Common & Unusual Phobias
This list of phobias will prevent you from confusing your Aviophobia (the fear of flying on an airplane) with your Acrophobia (the fear of heights). You can also marvel at the variety of fears that people hold, some understandable (Necrophobia, or fear of death/dead bodies) and some pretty unusual (Phobophobia, or fear of developing a phobia)!
- Acrophobia
- fear of heights
- Agoraphobia
- fear of crowds, public places, or open areas
- Ailurophobia
- fear of cats
- Algophobia
- fear of pain
- Anglophobia
- fear of (or hatred for) England or anything English
- Aquaphobia
- fear of water
- Arachnophobia
- fear of spiders
- Aviophobia
- fear of flying in an airplane
- Ballistophobia
- fear of missiles, bullets, or being shot
- Bibliophobia
- fear (or mistrust) of books
- Cynophobia
- fear of dogs
- Francophobia
- fear of (or hatred for) France or anything French
- Germanophobia
- fear of (or hatred for) Germany or anything German
- Gerontophobia
- fear of old people or old age
- Hemophobia
- fear of blood
- Logophobia
- fear of words
- Monophobia
- fear of being alone
- Necrophobia
- fear of death or dead bodies
- Nosophobia
- fear of disease
- Nyctophobia
- fear of night or darkness
- Ophidiophobia
- fear of snakes
- Paraskavedekatriaphobia
- fear of Friday the 13th
- Philophobia
- fear of love or falling in love
- Phobophobia
- fear of developing a phobia
- Photophobia
- fear of (or sensitivity to) light
- Pyrophobia
- fear of fire
- Russophobia
- fear of (or hatred for) Russia or anything Russian
- Sitophobia
- aversion to food
- Taphephobia
- fear of being buried alive
- Technophobia
- fear of advanced technology
- Thalassophobia
- fear of the sea
- Thanatophobia
- fear of death
- Toxiphobia
- fear of being poisoned
- Triskaidekaphobia
- fear of the number 13
- Xenophobia
- fear (or hatred) of foreigners, strangers, or things that are foreign or strange
- Xylophobia
- fear of forests or wooden objects
- Zoophobia
- fear of animals
See also: