Estimated Persons Living in the U.S. with AIDS by Selected Characteristics: 1999 to 2003

Updated June 26, 2019 | Infoplease Staff
Age and characteristic19992000200120022003
Total1 311,205 334,731 357,040 380,771 405,926
Age as of end of year
Less than 13 years old 3,034 2,843 2,605 2,335 1,998
13 and 14 years old 440 517 645 728 768
15 to 24 years 4,719 4,991 5,229 5,668 6,313
25 to 34 years 60,184 56,686 53,687 51,410 49,906
35 to 44 years 141,295 151,180 158,173 163,732 168,322
45 to 54 years 77,216 89,461 102,252 115,613 129,311
55 to 64 years 19,258 22,922 27,197 32,703 38,997
65 years old and over 5,058 6,132 7,251 8,583 10,310
White, not Hispanic 119,674 126,162 132,258 139,089 146,544
Black, not Hispanic 126,044 137,524 148,469 160,022 172,278
Hispanic 61,194 66,266 71,034 75,782 80,623
Asian/Pacific Islander 2,484 2,755 3,056 3,414 3,826
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,047 1,166 1,262 1,380 1,498
Male adult/adolescent transmission category
Males 13 years old and over, total 244,291 261,223 277,366 294,767 313,183
Male-to-male sexual contact 140,216 150,172 160,076 171,035 182,989
Injection drug use 58,006 61,249 63,723 66,003 68,191
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 21,667 22,403 23,033 23,690 24,334
Heterosexual contact 20,595 23,478 26,471 29,835 33,324
Other2 3,807 3,922 4,062 4,204 4,345
Female adult/adolescent exposure category
Females 13 years old and over, total 63,093 69,647 75,765 82,052 88,815
Injection drug use 25,744 27,317 28,602 29,670 30,710
Heterosexual contact 35,603 40,422 45,097 50,142 55,685
Other21,746 1,908 2,067 2,239 2,420
1. Includes persons of unknown or multiple race and of unknown sex.
2. Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal, and risk not reported or not identified.
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Ga., HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, Volume 15. From: Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006.

Marijuana UseHealthAverage Annual Expenditures Per Consumer for Health Care: 1990–2003
Brewer's: Health
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