Intellihealth Tools

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
health and science Tools provided by Intellihealth

InteliHealth Tools

Drug Database | Nutrition | Medical Dictionary | Ask-the-Doc | DeskExercises | Women's Health | Men's Health | Childhood Conditions | Diseases

Drug Database
Drug Database

Search the US Pharmacopeia database.
Nutrition Search
Nutrition Search

Enter a food and get the lowdown on its contents and nutritional values.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

Easy access to 40,000 medical words and definitions.
Ask the Doc

Experts answer your questions on a variety of topics.

Take a break and do one of these easy, quick exercises from the comforts of your desk.
Women's Health
Women's Health Issues
Find out more on variety of women's health conditions.
Men's Health
Men's Health Issues

Find out more information about a variety of men's health conditions.
Childhood Injuries
Childhood Conditions

Find out more on a variety of children's health conditions.
Disease Infofinder
Disease Infofinder

Find out more on any one of many different conditions.
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