Using Search Engines
Updated June 26, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

By Pearson Education Development Group
There is an enormous amount of information on the Web! However, there's an easy way for you to find specific information without searching through every site yourself. Just use a search engine. Here are some tips to help you make the most of search engines.How to Use a Search Engine
Most search engines, like GO Kids and Searchopolis, work the same basic way. You type into a search box the information you're looking for and PRESTO! the search engine lists Web sites that contain this information. These results are known as "hits." The words you type into the search box are called "keywords." The keywords you use will greatly affect your results. Other search engines, like Ask Jeeves for Kids, let you type in questions without having to choose keywords.Four Tips to Help Make the Most of a Search
- Make your keywords as precise as possible. If you're looking for information on Tyrannosaurus rex, don't type in "dinosaurs." You'll get too much general information about dinosaurs and not enough specific hits about T-rex.
- Use two or more keywords in your search. But put the most important keywords first. For example, if you wanted information about what the T-rex ate, you might use the following keywords in this order: Tyrannosaurus rex diet. The search engine will look for Web pages that contain all these words.
- Make sure you spell the keywords correctly. If you typed "dinasour" as a keyword, your search would turn up empty. If you're not sure of a word's correct spelling, use a dictionary.
- Always try more than one search engine. Each search engine doesn't look through every site on the Web. Instead, most search engines check Web site pages every once in a while to create their own databases. So when you use a search engine, you're actually looking at one small slice of sites. Different search engines will usually come up with different results. So it makes sense to use more than one.
Three Tips for Getting More Precise Hits
- Use AND
Sometimes you may need to use more than one keyword when searching, without making a phrase. You usually need to let the search engine know whether you want to see sites that contain all the keywords or whether it should find those in which just one of the words appears. If you want to get results with all the keywords you type, then you should use "AND" to let the search engine know. Make sure you use capital letters when typing "AND."
Example: If you were searching for Web pages about dinosaurs and lizards, you would type:dinosaurs AND lizards SEARCH
The search engine will list sites that contain both words. Some search engines require a plus sign (+) instead of the word AND. Then you would add a plus sign before any keyword that must appear in your results:+dinosaurs +lizards SEARCH
- Use OR
Let's say you perform a search using two keywords. What can you do if you actually want to find Web sites in which either one word or the other appears? You can use the word "OR." This will let the search engine know you want Web sites that contain any of the keywords you type in. For the best results, you should always enclose OR searches in parentheses:(dinosaurs OR lizards) SEARCH
The search engine will list Web sites that contain either keyword. - Use NOT
Sometimes by typing one keyword, you'll get many results that have nothing to do with your topic. For example, if you wanted to find Web sites about dinosaurs, but not dinosaur fossils, you could type this into the search box:dinosaurs NOT fossils SEARCH
The search engine will look for Web pages that contain the word "dinosaur." But if the page contains the word "fossil," the search engine will not list it. Some search engines require you to use a minus sign (-) in place of the word NOT. You would then add a minus sign in front of any word that you didn't want to appear in your results.dinosaurs -fossils SEARCH
These types of searches are known as Boolean searches. AND (+), OR, and NOT (-) are known as Boolean operators. They are named after the British mathematician George Boole, who developed a system of logic in the 1800s.
Using Search Engines Worksheet
Name ________________________________________________
Imagine you've been asked to use the Web to research Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb.
Below, write some keywords you can use to search the Web for this topic. Remember to include any possible Boolean operators that will make your results more precise.
Choose three search engines from Yahoo, Lycos, MSN, AOL, etc
Use each search engine to find Web pages related to your topic.
Which site gave you the greatest number of hits?
Which site gave you the least number of hits?
Which sites gave you the most useful hits for your topic?
Describe your experiences in working with these search engines.