Geomorphologist/Professor of Geography
Updated June 26, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Antony Orme
Tell us about your work---what do you do? I work with erosion , sediment transport and landslides . I also teach at the university level. What skills are needed? Good grounding in earth sciences , some ability to survey , as well as being able to use instruments in the field and the lab . You have to interpret aerial and satellite photos. You need people skills to lecture and teach students the material. What was your major? Geography How did you get started in your career? After my initial degrees, I received my doctorate in earth sciences. I applied for a university job that was advertised in the newspaper, and I got it. What experience do you need in this job? Initially, you need a Ph.D. You have to have all the field lab and writing experience that goes with it. Describe your "typical" workday: Typically I'm in at 8:00 a.m. to prepare the morning lecture, I go over my materials, lecture for about and hour, than I hold office hours for students. In the afternoon, I have a seminar for grad students. After that I go home and relax. What is the hardest aspect of your job? I've had a very enjoyable career and there isn't a lot I don't admire about it. I guess telling students that they're not doing well can be difficult. Sometimes you can run into personnel issues with other faculty. For the most part, it is a very satisfying field. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? Teaching the things I know and love to interested students is great. I also enjoy the research in the field. What are your suggestions for someone considering this field? Above all else, get a good education. Start early, don't goof off too much, but also balance that with having fun. I have always played soccer and enjoyed myself. It makes working a lot
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