Major Earthquakes around the World, 2007
Updated September 9, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

Date | Location | Magnitude 1 |
Jan. 12 | East of the Kuril Islands | 8.1 |
Jan. 21 | Molucca Sea | 7.5 |
April 1 | Solomon Islands | 8.1 |
Aug. 15 | Peru | 8.0 |
Sept. 13 | Sumatra, Indonesia | 8.4 |
Nov. 14 | South America | 7.7 |
Nov. 25 | Sumbawa region, Indonesia | 6.5 |
Nov. 29 | Martinique region, Windward Islands | 7.4 |
Dec. 9 | Minas Gerais, Brazil | 4.9 |
Dec. 20 | Off east coast of the North Island, New Zealand | 6.6 |
Source: Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology:
Earthquake Events 2007: IRIS
Earthquake Events 2007: IRIS
NOTE: A major earthquake is defined here as having a magnitude of 7.0 or more.
1. Unless otherwise indicated, magnitudes listed are moment magnitudes, the newest, most uniformly applicable magnitude scale.