Trent, Council of: The Work of the Council
The Work of the Council
The work of the council was confirmed by Pius IV (in the papal bull
The second period of the council was notable for the work of the Jesuits, especially Diego Lainez. The subjects treated were the Eucharist, penance, extreme unction, episcopal jurisdiction and office, clerical discipline, and benefices. The third period was dominated by St. Charles Borromeo; its definitions and regulations covered communion in both kinds, the Mass, the sacraments of orders and matrimony, the veneration and invocation of the saints, the cult of relics and images, the list of forbidden books, the priesthood in all its phases, ecclesiastical foundations, education, marriage, religious orders, feasts and fasts, and the service books of the church.
Sections in this article:
- Introduction
- Influence
- The Work of the Council
- The Meetings of the Council
- Bibliography
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