<1> City (2020 pop. 162,954), Alameda co., W Calif.; settled
1851, inc. 1876. It is an important commercial and distribution center for
farm products. Manufactures include wire, plastics, metal and paper
products, textiles, machinery, and motor vehicles. Hayward grew with the
development of the San Francisco Bay area in the 1970s and 80s. It is the
seat of California State Univ. Hayward, and is the eastern terminus of the
San Mateo–Hayward Bridge across S San Francisco Bay. <2>
City (2020 pop. 2327), seat of Sawyer co., NW Wis.; est. c. 1860.
Located on the Namekagon River, the city was named after a local man who
opened the first sawmill there. The Hayward Indian Residential School
(1901-34) was located there, where Native American children were forcibly
taken to be indoctrinated in European values; it was eventually closed due
to overcrowding and unsanitary conditions. A center of outdoor recreational
activities, The National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame is located there.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2025, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
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