Film and Television: Biographies
- Bogdanovich, Peter
- Connery, Sean
- Corman, Roger William
- Davis, Viola
- De Niro, Robert Anthony Jr.
- Degeneres, Ellen Lee
- Dukakis, Olympia
- Grodon, Charles Sidney
- Holbrook, Hal
- Leachman, Cloris
- May, Elaine
- Mazursky, Paul
- Plummer, Christopher
- Segal, Jr., George
- Tyson, Cecily
- Washington, Denzel
- Abbott And Costello
- Allen, Gracie
- Allen, Woody
- Almodóvar, Pedro
- Altman, Robert
- Andersson, Bibi
- Antonioni, Michelangelo
- Apted, Michael David
- Autry, Gene
- Ball, Lucille
- Bassett, Angela Evelyn
- Beatty, Ned Thomas
- Beatty, Warren
- Belmondo, Jean-Paul
- Benny, Jack
- Beresford, Bruce
- Bergman, Ingmar
- Bergman, Ingrid
- Berkeley, Busby
- Berle, Milton
- Bernstein, Walter
- Bertolucci, Bernardo
- Black, Shirley Temple
- Bogarde, Sir Dirk
- Bogart, Humphrey Deforest
- Brando, Marlon
- Bresson, Robert
- Brooks, Mel
- Bruce, Lenny
- Buñuel, Luis
- Burnett, Carol
- Burns, George
- Burns, Ken
- Burton, Richard
- Caesar, Sid
- Cagney, James
- Cameron, James
- Campion, Jane
- Capra, Frank
- Carson, Johnny
- Cassavetes, John
- Chabrol, Claude
- Chaney, Lon
- Chaplin, Charlie
- Clair, René
- Clark, Dick
- Close, Glenn
- Clouzot, Henri-Georges
- Coen Brothers
- Colbert, Claudette
- Colman, Ronald
- Cooney, Joan Ganz
- Cooper, Gary
- Coppola, Francis Ford
- Coppola, Sophia Carmina
- Cosby, Bill
- Costello, Lou
- Crawford, Joan
- Davis, Bette
- Day, Doris
- De Mille, Cecil B.
- De Palma, Brian
- De Sica, Vittorio
- Dean, James
- Del Toro, Guillermo
- Demme, Jonathan
- Deneuve, Catherine
- Depardieu, Gérard
- Dietrich, Marlene
- Disney, Walt
- Donen, Stanley
- Donner, Richard
- Douglas, Kirk
- Douglas, Michael
- Dovzhenko, Aleksandr
- Dressler, Marie
- Drew, Robert Lincoln
- Dreyer, Carl Theodor
- Eastwood, Clint
- Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich
- Étaix, Pierre
- Evans, Dale
- Fairbanks, Douglas
- Fassbinder, Rainer Werner
- Fellini, Federico
- Fields, W. C.
- Finney, Albert
- Fisher, Carrie Frances
- Flaherty, Robert Joseph
- Fonda, Henry
- Fonda, Jane
- Fonda, Peter
- Ford, John, American Film Director
- Forman, Miloš
- Foster, Jodie
- Friendly, Fred W.
- Gabin, Jean
- Gable, Clark
- Gance, Abel
- Garbo, Greta
- Gish, Lillian
- Godard, Jean-Luc
- Goldwyn, Samuel
- Grace, Princess Consort Of Monaco
- Grant, Cary
- Griffith, D. W.
- Guinness, Sir Alec
- Guy Blache, Alice
- Haneke, Michael
- Hanks, Tom
- Harlow, Jean
- Hawks, Howard
- Head, Edith
- Henson, Jim
- Hepburn, Audrey
- Hepburn, Katharine
- Herzog, Werner
- Hitchcock, Sir Alfred
- Hoffman, Dustin
- Hope, Bob
- Hopkins, Sir Anthony
- Hopper, Dennis Lee
- Hou Hsiao-Hsien
- Huston, John
- Karloff, Boris
- Keaton, Buster
- Kelly, Grace
- Kiarostami, Abbas
- Kidman, Nicole
- Kubrick, Stanley
- Kurosawa, Akira
- Lancaster, Burt
- Lang, Fritz
- Langdon, Harry
- Lanzmann, Claude
- Laughton, Charles
- Laurel And Hardy
- Leacock, Richard
- Lean, Sir David
- Lee, Ang
- Lee, Spike
- Lemmon, Jack
- Lewis, Jerry
- Linklater, Richard Stuart
- Lloyd, Harold
- Lloyd, Norman
- Loren, Sophia
- Losey, Joseph
- Lubitsch, Ernst
- Lucas, George W., Jr.
- Lumet, Sidney
- Lumière, Louis Jean
- Lynch, David (Keith)
- Maclaine, Shirley
- Malle, Louis
- Martin, Steve
- Marx Brothers
- Mason, James
- Mastroianni, Marcello
- Mayer, Louis Burt
- Mekas, Jonas
- Micheaux, Oscar Devereaux
- Mifune, Toshiro
- Mitchum, Robert
- Miyazaki, Hayao
- Mizoguchi, Kenji
- Monroe, Marilyn
- Moore, Mary Tyler
- Moore, Michael
- Moreau, Jeanne
- Murnau, Friedrich W.
- Newman, Paul
- Nichols, Mike
- Nicholson, Jack
- O'toole, Peter
- Ophüls, Marcel
- Ophüls, Max
- Ousmane, Sembene
- Ozu, Yasujiro
- Pabst, G. W.
- Pacino, Al
- Pathé, Charles
- Peck, Gregory
- Penn, Arthur Hiller
- Pennebaker, D. A.
- Pickford, Mary
- Poitier, Sir Sidney
- Polanski, Roman
- Powell, William
- Price, Vincent Leonard, Jr.
- Pryor, Richard
- Pudovkin, Vsevolod Ilarionovich
- Quinn, Anthony
- Ray, Satyajit
- Redford, Robert
- Reed, Sir Carol
- Reiner, Carl
- Renoir, Jean
- Resnais, Alain
- Reynolds, Debbie
- Riefenstahl, Leni
- Rivette, Jacques Pierre Louis
- Roach, Hal
- Robinson, Edward G.
- Roddenberry, Gene
- Rogers, Fred Mcfeely
- Rogers, Roy
- Rohmer, Eric
- Rossellini, Roberto
- Ryazanov, Eldar Aleksandrovich
- Sahl, Mort
- Sayles, John
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold Alois
- Scorsese, Martin
- Scott, George C.
- Selznick, David O.
- Sembene, Ousmane
- Sennett, Mack
- Shaw, Run Run
- Signoret, Simone
- Sirk, Douglas
- Soderbergh, Steven
- Spielberg, Steven
- Stanwyck, Barbara
- Stevens, George Cooper
- Stewart, Jimmy
- Stone, Oliver
- Streep, Meryl
- Streisand, Barbra
- Sturges, Preston
- Swanson, Gloria
- Takahata, Isao
- Tarnovsky, Andrei
- Tati, Jacques
- Taylor, Elizabeth, Anglo-American Film Actress
- Temple, Shirley
- Toland, Gregg Wesley
- Tracy, Spencer
- Truffaut, François
- Ullmann, Liv
- Ustinov, Sir Peter
- Valentino, Rudolph
- Van Doren, Charles
- Varda, Agnès
- Vertov, Dziga
- Vigo, Jean
- Visconti, Luchino
- Von Sternberg, Joseph
- Von Stroheim, Erich
- Wajda, Andrzej
- Warner Brothers
- Warner, Albert
- Warner, Harry Morris
- Warner, Jack Leonard
- Warner, Samuel Louis
- Wayne, John
- Weaver, Sigourney
- Weir, Peter
- Welles, Orson
- Wenders, Wim
- Wertmüller, Lina
- West, Mae
- White, Pearl
- Wilder, Billy
- Winfrey, Oprah
- Wiseman, Frederick
- Wyler, William
- Zanuck, Darryl Francis
- Zhang Yimou
- Zsigmond, Vilmos
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