Editorial Policy
Infoplease is a reference and learning site, combining the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records. Our editors regularly write, update, and refine this enormous body of information to bring you reliable and authoritative information. Parents, teachers, and librarians turn to Infoplease for information on an array of topics, including current events, pop culture, science, government, and history.
They can also confidently point students and children to our COPPA and kidSAFE-certified sister site, Fact Monster, assured that it's a safe place for kids to explore.
Infoplease's Editorial Policy
The Infoplease editorial team has two core priorities: the first is that our information be clear and accurate; the second is that our articles be as accessible as possible. Infoplease covers a wide range of topics and gets into some very specific details. To make sure we get it right, the editors at Infoplease do a lot of research. To learn about some of the resources we often rely on, see our Sources page.
We don’t want our readers to have to put in the same effort we do to find the facts. We want our users to come to us with any questions they have, and to leave feeling confident and informed (without spending a whole afternoon). That means writing content that is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to find — that’s what we mean by accessible. If you can’t find an easy answer to your questions, contact us at https://www.infoplease.com/contact-support and we’ll try our best to help.
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