working: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (wûr'king), [key]
— n.
  1. the act of a person or thing that works.
  2. operation; action: the involuted workings of his mind.
  3. the process of shaping a material: The working of clay is easy when it's damp.
  4. the act of manufacturing or building a thing.
  5. Usually,a part of a mine, quarry, or the like, in which work is carried on.
  6. the process of fermenting, as of yeasts.
  7. a slow advance involving exertion.
  8. disturbed or twisting motions: The working of his limbs revealed the disease.
  9. repeated movement or strain tending to loosen a structural assembly or part.
  1. that works.
  2. doing some form of work or labor, esp. manual, mechanical, or industrial work, as for a living: a working person.
  3. operating; producing effects, results, etc.
  4. pertaining to, connected with, or used in operating or working.
  5. serving to permit or facilitate continued work: a working model; a working majority.
  6. adequate for usual or customary needs: a working knowledge of Spanish.
  7. large enough for working or being worked: a working sample.
  8. done, taken, etc., while conducting or discussing business: a working lunch.
  9. (of a face or edge, as of a timber or a metal casting) shaped and planed as a reference for further shaping and planing.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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