Pronunciation: (waks), [key]
— n.
- Also calleda solid, yellowish, nonglycerine substance allied to fats and oils, secreted by bees, plastic when warm and melting at about 145°F, variously employed in making candles, models, casts, ointments, etc., and used by bees in constructing their honeycomb.
- any of various similar substances, as spermaceti or the secretions of certain insects and plants. Cf.
- any of a group of substances composed of hydrocarbons, alcohols, fatty acids, and esters that are solid at ordinary temperatures.
- cerumen; earwax.
- a resinous substance used by shoemakers for rubbing thread.
- See
- a person or object suggesting wax, as in manageability or malleability: I am helpless wax in your hands.
- The first ten minutes of the meeting will determine the whole ball of wax.
- the entire or overall plan, concept, action, result, or the like:The first ten minutes of the meeting will determine the whole ball of wax.
- everything of a similar or related nature:They sold us skis, boots, bindings, poles—the whole ball of wax.
- to rub, smear, stiffen, polish, etc., with wax: to wax the floor.
- to fill the crevices of (ornamental marble) with colored material.
- to make a phonograph recording of.
- to defeat decisively; drub: We waxed the competition.
- pertaining to, made of, or resembling wax: a wax candle; a wax doll.
Pronunciation: (waks), [key]
— waxed waxed wax𠈮n wax•ing.
- to increase in extent, quantity, intensity, power, etc.: Discord waxed at an alarming rate.
- (of the moon) to increase in the extent of its illuminated portion before the full moon. Cf.(def. 4).
- to grow or become: He waxed angry at the insinuation.
Pronunciation: (waks), [key]
- a fit of anger; rage.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.