variation: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (vâr"ē-ā'shun), [key]
— n.
  1. the act, process, or accident of varying in condition, character, or degree: Prices are subject to variation.
  2. an instance of this: There is a variation in the quality of fabrics in this shipment.
  3. amount, rate, extent, or degree of change: a temperature variation of 40° in a particular climate.
  4. a different form of something; variant.
    1. the transformation of a melody or theme with changes or elaborations in harmony, rhythm, and melody.
    2. a varied form of a melody or theme, esp. one of a series of such forms developing the capacities of the subject.
  5. a solo dance, esp. one forming a section of a pas de deux.
  6. any deviation from the mean orbit of a heavenly body, esp. of a planetary or satellite orbit.
  7. Also calledthe angle between the geographic and the magnetic meridian at a given point, expressed in plus degrees east or minus degrees west of true north. Cf.(def. 4).
  8. a difference or deviation in structure or character from others of the same species or group.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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