trifle: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (trī'ful), [key]
— n., v., -fled, -fling.
  1. an article or thing of very little value.
  2. a matter, affair, or circumstance of trivial importance or significance.
  3. a small, inconsiderable, or trifling sum of money.
  4. a small quantity or amount of anything; a little: She's still a trifle angry.
  5. a literary, musical, or artistic work of a light or trivial character having no great or lasting merit; bagatelle.
  6. a kind of pewter of medium hardness.
  7. articles made of this.
  8. a dessert usually consisting of custard and cake soaked in wine or liqueur, and jam, fruit, or the like.
  1. to deal lightly or without due seriousness or respect: Don't trifle with me!
  2. to play or toy by handling or fingering: He sat trifling with a pen.
  3. to act or talk in an idle or frivolous way.
  4. to pass time idly or frivolously; waste time; idle.
  1. to pass or spend (time) idly or frivolously (usually fol. by away).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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