Pronunciation: (sûrj), [key]
— n., v., surged, surg•ing.
- a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep: the onward surge of an angry mob.
- a strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something: a billowing surge of smoke.
- the rolling swell of the sea.
- the swelling and rolling sea: The surge crashed against the rocky coast.
- a swelling wave; billow.
- a widespread change in atmospheric pressure that is in addition to cyclonic and normal diurnal changes.
- Seestorm surge.
- a sudden rush or burst of current or voltage.
- a violent oscillatory disturbance.
- a slackening or slipping back, as of a rope or cable.
- an uneven flow and strong momentum given to a fluid, as water in a tank, resulting in a rapid, temporary rise in pressure.
- pulsating unevenness of motion in an engine or gas turbine.
- (of a ship) to rise and fall, toss about, or move along on the waves: to surge at anchor.
- to rise, roll, move, or swell forward in or like waves: The sea surged against the shore. The crowd surged back and forth.
- to rise as if by a heaving or swelling force: Blood surged to his face.
- to increase suddenly, as current or voltage.
- to oscillate violently.
- to slack off or loosen a rope or cable around a capstan or windlass.
- to slip back, as a rope.
- to move with pulsating unevenness, as something driven by an engine or gas turbine.
- to cause to surge or roll in or as in waves.
- to slacken (a rope).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.