Pronunciation: (stop), [key]
— v., n. stopped stopt stop&sylping
- to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.
- to cause to cease; put an end to: to stop noise in the street.
- to interrupt, arrest, or check (a course, proceeding, process, etc.): Stop your work just a minute.
- to cut off, intercept, or withhold: to stop supplies.
- to restrain, hinder, or prevent (usually fol. by from): I couldn't stop him from going.
- to prevent from proceeding, acting, operating, continuing, etc.: to stop a speaker; to stop a car.
- to block, obstruct, or close (a passageway, channel, opening, duct, etc.) (usually fol. by up): He stopped up the sink with a paper towel. He stopped the hole in the tire with a patch.
- to fill the hole or holes in (a wall, a decayed tooth, etc.).
- to close (a container, tube, etc.) with a cork, plug, bung, or the like.
- to close the external orifice of (the ears, nose, mouth, etc.).
- The Browns stopped the Colts.
- to check (a stroke, blow, etc.); parry; ward off.
- to defeat (an opposing player or team):The Browns stopped the Colts.
- defeat by a knockout or technical knockout:Louis stopped Conn in the 13th round.
- to notify a bank to refuse payment of (a check) upon presentation.
- to have an honor card and a sufficient number of protecting cards to keep an opponent from continuing to win in (a suit).
- to close (a fingerhole) in order to produce a particular note from a wind instrument.
- to press down (a string of a violin, viola, etc.) in order to alter the pitch of the tone produced from it.
- to produce (a particular note) by so doing.
- to come to a stand, as in a course or journey; halt.
- to cease moving, proceeding, speaking, acting, operating, etc.; to pause; desist.
- to cease; come to an end.
- to halt for a brief visit (often fol. by at, in, or by): He is stopping at the best hotel in town.
- to make a brief visit on one's way elsewhere: I'll stop by on my way home.
- (on a camera) to reduce (the diaphragm opening of a lens).
- to make a brief, incidental visit: If you're in town, be sure to stop in.
- to halt for a brief stay at some point on the way elsewhere: On the way to Rome we stopped off at Florence.
- Most of the students who stop out eventually return to get their degrees.
- to mask (certain areas of an etching plate, photographic negative, etc.) with varnish, paper, or the like, to prevent their being etched, printed, etc.
- to withdraw temporarily from school:Most of the students who stop out eventually return to get their degrees.
- to stop briefly in the course of a journey: Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods.
- the act of stopping.
- a cessation or arrest of movement, action, operation, etc.; end: The noise came to a stop. Put a stop to that behavior!
- a stay or sojourn made at a place, as in the course of a journey: Above all, he enjoyed his stop in Trieste.
- a place where trains or other vehicles halt to take on and discharge passengers: Is this a bus stop?
- a closing or filling up, as of a hole.
- a blocking or obstructing, as of a passage or channel.
- a plug or other stopper for an opening.
- an obstacle, impediment, or hindrance.
- any piece or device that serves to check or control movement or action in a mechanism.
- a feature terminating a molding or chamfer.
- an order to refuse payment of a check.
- Seestop order.
- the act of closing a fingerhole or pressing a string of an instrument in order to produce a particular note.
- a device or contrivance, as on an instrument, for accomplishing this.
- (in an organ) a graduated set of pipes of the same kind and giving tones of the same quality.
- Also calledstop knob.a knob or handle that is drawn out or pushed back to permit or prevent the sounding of such a set of pipes or to control some other part of the organ.
- (in a reed organ) a group of reeds functioning like a pipe-organ stop.
- an individual defensive play or act that prevents an opponent or opposing team from scoring, advancing, or gaining an advantage, as a catch in baseball, a tackle in football, or the deflection of a shot in hockey.
- a piece of small line used to lash or fasten something, as a furled sail.
- an articulation that interrupts the flow of air from the lungs.
- a consonant sound characterized by stop articulation, as p, b, t, d, k, and g. Cf.continuant.
- the diaphragm opening of a lens, esp. as indicated by an f- number.
- Seestop bead.
- doorstop (def. 2).
- any of various marks used as punctuation at the end of a sentence, esp. a period.
- the word “stop” printed in the body of a telegram or cablegram to indicate a period.
- a family of card games whose object is to play all of one's cards in a predetermined sequence before one's opponents.
- a depression in the face of certain animals, esp. dogs, marking the division between the forehead and the projecting part of the muzzle. See diag. under
- to use every means available.
- to express, do, or carry out something without reservation.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.