spread' ea'gle
- a representation of an eagle with outspread wings: used as an emblem of the U.S.
- an acrobatic figure in skating performed by making a glide with the skates touching heel-to-heel in a straight line and with the arms outstretched.
- an acrobatic stunt in ski jumping executed with the legs and arms widely outstretched to the sides.
Pronunciation: (spred'ē"gul), [key]
— adj., v., -gled, -gling.
- having or suggesting the form of a spread eagle.
- lying prone with arms and legs outstretched.
- boastful or bombastic, esp. in the display of patriotic or nationalistic pride in the U.S.
- to stretch out (something) in the manner of a spread eagle.
- to assume the position or perform the acrobatic figure of a spread eagle: The skater spread-eagled across the rink.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.